Saturday, June 30, 2012

How To Delete System File In Windows 7

How To Delete System File In Windows 7

Follow Step’s…

1)  Click the “Start” button, and type in “cmd” into the start menu search box.

2) Hit the Ctrl+Shift+Enter Key Combination.

3) To Take OwnerShip Of The Any Particular File Whatever You Want To It.

            Suppose I want Delete reg.exe file in the Windows File System Folder.

            Type In Command Prompt ..

            takeown /f “c:\\windows\system32\reg.exe”

4) Now, You will get success to take ownership of the file.

5) Now, we get the full control rights of the any particular file which we have to delete.

            Type In Command Prompt

            icalcs “c:\windows\system32\reg.exe” /grant administrators:F

At that point u can easily delete Selected File In Your System.
