Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hide Text In Your Notepad

This is one of the Notepad Hacks and by using this Hack you can Hide Text in your Notepad. This hack only works on the certain version of Windows. When you use this trick to hide any text on your notepad, and when some one open this file only empty or blank space will be there on that notepad, and even the file size remains the 1kb, but you can store a lot of text in it. The way of creating this Notepad differs from the Normal one, for this what you wanna do is go to the command prompt and type the below command in order to open-up a simple and normal notepad.

                                                C:\>notepad hackblogsme.txt

This will create a new notepad file with the name “hackblogsme”, like wise you can use the same command but you need to specify some attribute here in-order to hide your text in Notepad, and the command with the attribute is.

                                                C:\>notepad hackblogsme.txt: hidden.txt

Even this open-up a new notepad file with name “hackblogsme”, now you can type anything in the notepad then save it and close it. Now open the same notepad you saved now, you willnot be able to see anything on the notepad, and now check the file size of the notepad,  it remains as 1KB. In oreder to open and see the text that was  hidden in your notepad, what you all need to do is, type the same command which you used to create the notepad as…

                                                C:\>notepad hackblogsme.txt: hidden.txt

Now you was able to see the hidden text on the notepad.

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