Saturday, June 30, 2012

How To Hide File Or Folder In Your System Without Using Third Party Software

How To Hide File Or Folder In Your System Without Using Third Party Software

Follow The Step .. 

1)Click the Start button, and type in “CMD” into the start menu search box.

2)Hit the Ctrl+Shift+Enter key combination.

3)Goto your Directory where you have hide File Or Folder ..

4)Now You can type following command in command prompt..

You have intersted hide following File Or Folder..

Type in

C:\Users\r\Desktop> attrib +s +h hackblogsme
C:\Users\r\Desktop> attrib +s +h hackblogsme.txt

Now U have Hide File Or Folder Succefully…

How To Delete System File In Windows 7

How To Delete System File In Windows 7

Follow Step’s…

1)  Click the “Start” button, and type in “cmd” into the start menu search box.

2) Hit the Ctrl+Shift+Enter Key Combination.

3) To Take OwnerShip Of The Any Particular File Whatever You Want To It.

            Suppose I want Delete reg.exe file in the Windows File System Folder.

            Type In Command Prompt ..

            takeown /f “c:\\windows\system32\reg.exe”

4) Now, You will get success to take ownership of the file.

5) Now, we get the full control rights of the any particular file which we have to delete.

            Type In Command Prompt

            icalcs “c:\windows\system32\reg.exe” /grant administrators:F

At that point u can easily delete Selected File In Your System.


How To See Hidden File Or Folder Using CMD

How To See Hidden File Or Folder Using CMD!!!!!!1

Follow's Following All Step's

1)Start Command Prompt.

2)Goto File  / Folder Directory In Your System.

3)At Command Prompt Just Type " dir /ah " or "dir /as".

    Here         /A       =>Display Files With Specified Attributes
                    /S        =>System Files
                   /H        =>Hidden Files

If The List Is Too Long You Can Use This Command In Command Prompt  " dir /ah/p/w ".   


5)You Can See Hidden Files Or Hidden Folder Very Easily!!!!!

How To Make OphCrack Bootable Pendrive

How To Make OphCrack Bootable Pendrive

Follow The Step.....

1)You can download LinuxLive Creator Tool and also download ophcrackvista iso.

2)Install the Linux Live Creator Tool in your System.

3)Start LinuxLive Creator Tool.

4)Then Choose USB Key.

5)Then Choose ISO File Of OphCrack on you System.

6)Click On Start Button.


How To Hack Windows 7 Password Using Command Prompt

1)First Open cmd with " Run As Administrator " Click That.

2)Type in cmd " net user username password " (without Queta)and Enter That.

You have seen "The Command Completed Successfully" Message.

You Can Crack Successfuly. It is very Easy!!!!!!.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hide Drive On Your System

Here is the step by step procedure how to hide any partition / drive :

1.Go to Start > run > type “diskpart”.

A DOS window will appear with following discription.

 2. Then type “ list volume ”

     The result will look like :-

3. Suppose u wanna hide drive E then type “select volume 5".(without quotes)

Then a message will appear in same winwods { Volume 5 is the selected volume}

4. Now type “remove letter E”

Now a message will come { Diskpart Removed the Drive letter }

Diskpart will remove the letter.

Your Data is safe now from all unauthorised users.

Never Hide C:/ Drive … Otherwise Your System Will Not Work.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hide Text In Your Notepad

This is one of the Notepad Hacks and by using this Hack you can Hide Text in your Notepad. This hack only works on the certain version of Windows. When you use this trick to hide any text on your notepad, and when some one open this file only empty or blank space will be there on that notepad, and even the file size remains the 1kb, but you can store a lot of text in it. The way of creating this Notepad differs from the Normal one, for this what you wanna do is go to the command prompt and type the below command in order to open-up a simple and normal notepad.

                                                C:\>notepad hackblogsme.txt

This will create a new notepad file with the name “hackblogsme”, like wise you can use the same command but you need to specify some attribute here in-order to hide your text in Notepad, and the command with the attribute is.

                                                C:\>notepad hackblogsme.txt: hidden.txt

Even this open-up a new notepad file with name “hackblogsme”, now you can type anything in the notepad then save it and close it. Now open the same notepad you saved now, you willnot be able to see anything on the notepad, and now check the file size of the notepad,  it remains as 1KB. In oreder to open and see the text that was  hidden in your notepad, what you all need to do is, type the same command which you used to create the notepad as…

                                                C:\>notepad hackblogsme.txt: hidden.txt

Now you was able to see the hidden text on the notepad.